Sunday, 19 May 2024
65 Macleod Street, Bairnsdale, VIC 3875 - P: (03) 5150 2300

Prices soften across the board

Prices soften across the board

This year’s High Country cattle sales have seen a sharp decline in livestock prices compared to last year’s premium figures.
At the annual mountain weaner calf sales in Ensay last Wednesday, which attracted buyers from Victoria and interstate, the overall average price for the 1105 yarded cattle was $1387, compared to the 2022 average of $2226.
The top steer sold for $2130, while last year’s top steer made $2780, while the best heifer fetched $2240 in comparison with $2610 in 2022. Livestock manager at Elders Bairnsdale, Morgan Davies, conceded “prices have softened”, which he contends is “reflective of what’s happening everywhere”.
Mr Davies said there has been “a general softening of cattle (prices) across the eastern seaboard, nothing more, nothing less.” Indicating cattle farmers are accustomed to taking the good with the bad, Mr Davies said “everyone had good times when the cattle were booming, now there’s a change across the market”.
As for the reasons behind the change, Mr Davies attributed it to “millions of various factors, including the export markets, drier times and a general resistance from buyers to purchase cattle at the moment”.

IMAGE: The High Country calf sales kicked off last week with strong crowds gathering at Omeo, Benambra, Hinnomunjie and Ensay (pictured). While prices were down from 2022, it came as no surprise.

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