Monday, 20 May 2024
65 Macleod Street, Bairnsdale, VIC 3875 - P: (03) 5150 2300
Retrieving championships head east

Retrieving championships head east

Chairman of Retrieving and Field Trialling (RAFT), Mr Tony Palmer, visited East Gippsland to announce that Bairnsdale has been selected to host the 2024 National Retrieving Championships in September this year.  These championships have been held on an annual basis for many years. Last year's event was held in Western Australia. Retrieving trials seek to set up an event to replicate...
Planning for autumn

Planning for autumn

We prepared for a long hot, dry summer and instead we dealt with incredible rainfall and flooding.  The next season to deal with is autumn, usually a period that involves a lot of decision making, whether it’s pastures, annuals for quick fodder or renovation of the perennials, fertilisers depending on your budget or buying/selling livestock. To help producers with this upcoming set of...
White Suffolks find new home

White Suffolks find new home

A changeover has occurred in the local sheep world, with the Kyle family's Ashley Park White Suffolk ewe flock at Goon Nure sold to Swifts Creek producers, Scott McCole and Sharon Miles, of Tambo White Suffolks. Ashley Park stud principal, Ian Kyle, of Goon Nure, said he and his family had bred White Suffolks for 25 years but it was time to move on. "We're pleased someone will continue on with...
Wild dog explosion

Wild dog explosion

Beef and sheep producers up around the Black Mountain, Gelantipy and Buchan regions are warning of a disastrous situation, where they say wild dog populations will ‘explode’ and affect everyone, not just livestock but campers too. The region’s number of wild dog trappers are declining. The concerned group says of the three dog trappers in the district, one has retired, and his job hasn’t been...
Genoa producers on the paddock

Genoa producers on the paddock

Dry time farming, an import-ant topic in any farming situa-tion, was on the table at Genoa last week. Presenters and attendees met at the Genoa Hall for a presentation then took part in two paddock walks, one in a pasture paddock and one in a cropped paddock. Ensay agronomist, Nicole Frost, assisted with agronomy, pasture and crop species selection, Brad Smith assisted with on-farm...
Goats the answer to fuel and weeds

Goats the answer to fuel and weeds

Blackberries, African lovegrass, gorse – put a goat on it and watch it disappear.  Calulu goat producer, Heather Osborn, says there are many examples of goats clearing up weeds and vegetation on private properties, but she is fed up with the lack of fuel reduction on public land in the region. "The fact of the matter is it's our public land that's in the worst condition," Ms Osborn...

Bairnsdale Advertiser

65 Macleod Street
PO Box 465
Bairnsdale, VIC 3875

P: (03) 5150 2300
F: (03) 5152 6257

Publication Day: Wednesday
Circulation: 6,450

Yeates Media

Cnr Macleod & Bailey Streets
PO Box 465
Bairnsdale, VIC 3875

P: (03) 5150 2300
F: (03) 5152 6257