Monday, 20 May 2024
65 Macleod Street, Bairnsdale, VIC 3875 - P: (03) 5150 2300

Local News

Are we ready for another bushfire?

Are we ready for another bushfire?

Long-time CFA volunteer, Graeme Brownrigg, is concerned the next devastating bushfire is just around the corner and people in East Gippsland won’t prepared for it.
Mr Brownrigg, said times have changed drastically and the inability to take part in roadside and fuel reduction burns and the "mismanagement of the bush by city dwellers/university graduates" has cause for significant concern.
"John Mulligan's article (April 17, Defining a bushfire) raised many relevant points in reference to the mismanagement and how the bush was treated by the rural dwellers of the past, who valued the safety of their surroundings," he said.
"The remoteness and lack of logistical support, medical, transport services and road infrastructure, did not allow them to packup and leave as our present city masters advise."The farmers, timber workers, respected the bush and the likely occurrence of bushfire started accidentally, or more often by lightening. They established their surroundings with fire in front of mind. 
"As the older farmers pass on, the timber workers find other employment, the new breed taking up residence on the now defunct farm lands have a different priority.

IMAGE: Graeme Brownwrigg, a long-time CFA volunteer, has raised concerns about the next bushfire and the possibility that East Gippsland is ill-prepared for it.

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