Monday, 20 May 2024
65 Macleod Street, Bairnsdale, VIC 3875 - P: (03) 5150 2300

Local News

The indomitable spirit

The indomitable spirit

"As we gather here today to commemorate ANZAC Day, we pay homage to the indomitable spirit of all those who have served our nation with courage and sacrifice."
Those were the words of Bairnsdale RSL Sub-Branch president, Allan Pappin, CVO AM.
Despite the chilly and cloudy conditions, generous crowds turned out to both the dawn and 11am services, packing along Main Street to watch veterans, members of the Air Force, police and local schools march.
Mr Pappin gave the opening address, thanking those who are currently serving.
"In the presence of serving members of the Australian Defence Force, we honour their commitment to protecting our freedom and upholding the values for which our ANZAC forebears fought so valiantly," he said.

IMAGE: Following the 11am ANZAC Day Service last Thursday, the Bairnsdale Girl Guides group laid a wreath at the Bairnsdale Cenotaph in remembrance of those who served, and continue to serve, in war. K44 - 6235

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