Lucknow Primary’s 150th

Lucknow Primary’s 150th

It was a day to remember at  Lucknow Primary School last Friday, with teachers and students, current and former, along with their families, celebrated 150 years of education with the school.
Students and staff were decked out in olden day attire to match with the 150-year celebration.
The afternoon kicked off with a smoking ceremony conducted by Rex Solomon and Hugh Pepper before heading inside for the official Welcome to Country by Uncle Wayne Thorpe.
Principal Carly Miller welcomed the crowd before introducing the first guest speaker and former principal, Trevor Selwyn, who shared his story about leaving the Great Alpine Road site in 2003.
Mr Selwyn was principal from September 2001 until he retired in 2005.

Lucknow Primary School celebrated 150 years last weekend, including a Friday assembly which encompassed the school’s history. PICTURED: Lucknow Primary School captains, Ruby Forbes, Claire Bryan and Tully Robinson (right) (absent: Pearl Mariner) cut into the commemorative 150 birthday cake with principal, Carly Miller.

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