Scott B Harris visits East Gippsland schools

Scott B Harris visits East Gippsland schools

Last month the Gippsland Engaged Mentoring (GEM) program hosted guest speaker Scott B Harris to present at four schools in East Gippsland on the topic of 'Resilience'.
Harris spoke to more than 550 students from Orbost Secondary College, Nagle College, Lucknow Primary School and Lakes Entrance Primary School, as he told his story about the road to recovery after a traumatic motorbike accident that left him with lifelong disabilities.
The valuable lessons Mr Harris learned on his recovery journey were lessons he realised could make a difference to the broader community, not just those who were in similar position to himself. 'Mindset' was the key word of each session, as Harris focussed on the impact a fixed or growth mindset can have on day-to-day decision making.
The overwhelming response from the students who attended the talks confirmed why the GEM program had wanted to get Harris to visit East Gippsland in the first place.

IMAGE: Motivational speaker, Scott B Harris, and GEM coordinator, Janelle Bruce, with Lucknow Primary School students.

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